The First Presbyterian Church of Whippany Vacation Bible School Welcome to VBS in a Box 2020 ~ Dr. Seuss on the Loose
Hello! We hope and pray that you and your family are all doing well during this pandemic. We are happy that during this time of uncertainty you chose to be with us for VBS!
There is nothing more comforting than knowing you are loved, you are missed and you are an amazing child of God!!
This week you will have a blast hearing (my favorite) Dr. Seuss stories, seeing how they can teach you about your faith, Jesus and how to be a good Christian.
Each Day there is:
a story you can hear on YouTube
questions to spark conversation
a craft
ideas for a fun snack
a science experiment – (directions found on YouTube)
a game you can play
You can participate in your VBS whenever it is convenient for you.
Monday or Day 1 with Dr. Seuss – Green Eggs and Ham Theme: Sharing Jesus From the Bible: “Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in him” (Psalm 34:8). Storytime: Listen to the story Green Eggs and Ham on YouTube: Read-Aloud "Green Eggs and Ham" by Dr Seuss - A Book for Kids by Chris Schwartz on YouTube Link: Some questions to talk about after the story:
Why do you think Sam wanted to share the green eggs and ham with his friend?
Why didn’t his friend want to try them?
Do you think you’d want to try green eggs and ham? Why or why not?
When was the first time you heard about Jesus?
Did you want to become Jesus’ friend right away?
After you discovered that Jesus was good, did you want to tell your friends? Why or why not?”
Today’s Bible verse is Psalm 34:8. It says ‘Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in him.’ Many of you have ‘tasted’ or tried out God’s way. It may have been scary at first, but once you tried it, you liked it! You found that you were much kinder to people and made a lot of friends. You may have friends who don’t know about Jesus and are scared to come to church. You need to take Jesus to them just as Sam in this story took something new to his friend!
Snack:Our verse today says “Taste and see that the Lord is good…” Let’s have some yummy Green Hawaiian Punch to remind us of God’s goodness. You’ll need:
Bottle of Water
Hawaiian Punch Packet
Green striped straw
Pour the contents of the Hawaiian Punch packet into the bottle of water. Put the lid on and shake it all up! Enjoy your ‘green’ drink like Sam.
Community Outreach Project: Today you can make a card about helping a friend “try” Jesus. You can write or illustrate but try to do it in rhyming style such as, “I’ll love Jesus here or there; I’ll love Jesus everywhere!”. Then share it with someone you want to share Jesus with. You’ll need:
paper, pencils, crayons or markers.
Science Experiment: Color Changing Milk Explosion Supplies needed:
Food Coloring
Dish Soap
Pour the milk into the plate. Add a few drops of food coloring. Dip the Q-tip in the dish soap then dip the Q-tip in the middle of the food coloring drop….watch it’s color explode. YouTube Video : Color Changing Milk:
Tuesday or Day 2 with Dr.Seuss –Horton Hatches the Egg Theme: Patience Is Better From the Bible: “The end of a matter is better than its beginning, and patience is better than pride” (Ecclesiastes 7:8). Kids will learn the results that come from being patient and keeping their promises.
Storytime: Listen to the story Horton Hatches the Egg on YouTube: Read-Aloud "Horton Hatches the Egg” by Dr. LibertyYouTube Link: **There is a plastic egg that contains a surprise inside for you. You’ll need to be patient and listen to our story first; then you’ll get your egg. Some questions to talk about after the story:
Why didn’t Mayzie want to sit on her egg?
Was it easy for Horton to sit on the egg for so long? Why or why not?
How do you think Horton felt when the egg hatched and a flying elephant came out?
Can you think of a time you’ve been patient and faithful, ‘One hundred percent’?”
Read Ecclesiastes 7:8 again: “The end of a matter is better than its beginning, and patience is better than pride” Then ask:
What does this verse say about patience?
Which character in the book had patience?
Who kept a promise?
Who was rewarded in the end?
You see, it’s not easy to be patient like Horton, but the outcome can be wonderful when we are patient.
Snack: Egg-stra Surprise
the plastic egg I told you about in the beginning
Tell them they’ve done a great job of being patient today. Remember the plastic eggs I showed you earlier? They contain your snack for today.
Game: Balloon Relay You’ll need:
A few balloons
two pieces of cardboard
hula hoop or tape a make a circle somehow
Have two people line up at one end with a hula hoop (or circle) at another end. You are not allowed to touch the balloon with your hands. It is a race to “fan” the balloon with your piece of cardboard and get it to stay in the circle at the end. (for older youth make it like a maze to get to the end circle)
Optional: 1/2 to 1 teaspoon flavoring extract or oil
Prepare Your Materials
Clean the glass jars thoroughly with hot water.
For each jar, use a wooden skewer that is about 1-inch from the bottom of the jar. Use clothespins that are balanced across the top of the jar to hold the skewer in place.
Make Your Rock Candy
Wet each wooden skewer with water and roll it in granulated sugar. This base layer gives the sugar crystals something to grab when they start forming. Set these aside to dry while you prepare the sugar syrup.
Place the water in a medium-sized pot and bring it to a boil. Begin adding the sugar, 1 cup at a time, stirring after each addition. You will notice that it takes longer for the sugar to dissolve after each cup you add. Continue to stir and boil the syrup until all of the sugar has been added, and it is completely dissolved.
Let boil for 2 minutes then remove the pot from the heat.
If you are using colors or flavorings, add them at this point. When using an extract, add 1 teaspoon of the extract; for flavoring oils, only add 1/2 teaspoon. Make sure you don’t stand right in front of the pan because the scent can be very strong as it rises in the steam. Add 2 to 3 drops of food coloring and stir it in to ensure an even, smooth color.
Allow the sugar syrup to cool for approximately 30 minutes.
Quick rinse the prepped jars with hot water, then pour the syrup into them.
Lower one sugared skewer into each jar until it hangs about 1-inch from the bottom.
Carefully place your jar in a cool place, away from harsh lights, where it can sit undisturbed. Cover the top loosely with plastic wrap or a paper towel.
You should start to see sugar crystals forming within 2 to 4 hours. If you see no change after 24 hours, try boiling the sugar syrup again and dissolve another cup of sugar into it. Then pour it back into the jar and insert the string or skewer again.
Allow the rock candy to grow until it is the size you want. Don’t let it grow too large, otherwise, it might start growing onto the sides of your jar.
Note that a top layer of crystal will form. This is okay. Once the candy has reached the desired size, break that top layer of crystal up with a fork before removing the candy.
Transfer the rock candy to an empty jar or glass (keep the clothespins to balance it) and allow it to dry for 1 to 2 hours, then enjoy or wrap in plastic wrap to save for later.
Serve and enjoy.
You can use either oils or extracts for flavor.
The 1/2 to 1 teaspoon measurements for flavoring extracts that are provided create a mild-flavored rock candy. If you'd like a more intense flavor, carefully taste test the syrup in the pan and add 1/2 teaspoon extract or 1/4 teaspoon oil more to your liking.
Paste or gel food coloring tends to create richer colors than liquid options, but either will make great-looking candy.
Keep in mind that the color of the rock candy will be significantly paler than the syrup. If you'd like to create a deeper color, use more food coloring, preferably of the gel variety.
Wacky Wednesday or Day 3 with Dr.Seuss ~ Christmas in July How the Grinch Stole Christmas Themes: Importance of Community Presents are not the reason for the season…there is something better! From the Bible:“In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” Matthew 5:16
Storytime: Listen to the story How the Grinch Stole Christmas on YouTube: Read by Auntie Lee Some questions to talk about after the story:
What thoughts and feelings come to mind when you think about the Christmas season?
What distracts you from the meaning of Christmas and gets you feeling “Grinchish”?
The Grinch despised people celebrating Christmas joyfully. He says it is because of the noise, but do you believe him?
In the live action remake of The Grinch (2000), Cindy Lou Who climbs up to Mount Crumpit and invites the Grinch to celebrate the joy of Christmas with her and the townspeople. What do Cindy Lou Who and Jesus have in common?
The Grinch hears the Whos singing and is moved by their joy and festiveness in the absence of presents. But why are they joyful and festive? The lyrics of the catchy “Fah Who For-aze,” lyrics written by Seuss, suggest that the real spirit of Christmas is our togetherness. It comes when we are “heart to heart, and hand in hand.” The Whos teach the Grinch that with kindness, coming together as a community helps to strengthen love and unity. This was vital for the Grinch, and it is important for audiences as well, to be reminded that we were not created to be alone. The Grinch points toward the One True Story about how God sent his own Son to turn our hearts from hate to love and take us home to live with him, happily ever after.
Snack: Any snack that makes you think of Christmas- Whoville pudding cups, Hot Cocoa, Popcorn, Milk and Cookies
Twist the pipe cleaner into the shape of a snowflake (or any shape you wish). Tie a string to your pipe cleaner shape and tie the other end of the string to the middle of a pencil. Have an adult boil 2 cups of water, add the Borax soap to boiling water and stir until dissolved. Pour hot soap mixture into a cup, lower pipe cleaner ornament into the cup and rest the pencil on the top of the cup so it does not fall it. Let it sit overnight and in the morning see your crystalized creation. Directional YouTube Video:
Sunday School videos! This Little Light of Mine, I’ve Got the Joy, Joy, Joy, Joy Down in My Heart, If You’re Happy and You Know It, What a Mighty God We Serve and Jesus Loves Me.
Thursday or Day 4 with Dr.Seuss – The Sneetches Theme: We all have unique qualities but we are all one in Christ. From the Bible: “There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus” Galatians 3:28. Kids will learn that although they each have unique qualities, they’re all one in Christ. "I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Wonderful are Your works, And my soul knows it very well." Psalm 139:14
Why do you think the Star-Belly Sneetches were mean to the Plain Bellies?
How would it feel to be a Star Belly? a Plain Belly?
Why did the Fix-it-Up Chappie come and try to change the Sneetches?
What happened when the Sneetches decided it did not matter who had stars on their bellies?
Read aloud Galatians 3:28 again then ask:
How is this story like or unlike this Bible verse?
We named a bunch of differences in the Bible verse— Jew or Greek, slave or free, male or female — but the verse says that we’re all the same when we’re Christians. I’m glad the Sneetches learned that they can be different and still be one, aren’t you?
Community Outreach Project:Color a Smile Color A Smile is a nonprofit organization that distributes cheerful drawings to Senior Citizens, Our Troops Overseas, and anyone in need of a smile. Every month we mail thousands of new drawings to all the people on our mailing list. We have put smiles on millions of faces...You can help. ANYONE can volunteer to color and help us spread smiles! * KIDS * * YOUNG ADULTS * * ADULTS *
Please drop off finished pictures at either 11 Grove Place- Whippany (there is a tote on the front steps) or at The First Presbyterian Church 494 Route 10 (There will be a tote outside our glass doors collecting pictures until August 30) Please make them colorful and cheery!
Game: Star Tag Items you need:
double-sided tape and
star shapes for half the number of people playing
Form two teams. Place stars on the bellies of the Star-Belly teammates. Have the Plain Bellies try to tag the Star Bellies. When Star Bellies are tagged, they must give their stars to their taggers. After five minutes, have Star Bellies get rid of their stars by sticking them to Plain Bellies’ stomachs. After the game, ask:
Do you remember everyone who was on your team at the beginning of the game? Why or why not?
What was easy or difficult about this game?
As Christians, how can we show love to other Christians who may go to a different church or live in a different country?”
Science Experiment: Floating Drawings Make your drawings float around with magic water and a magic marker Items you need:
Dry Erase Marker
Smooth plate or dish
Draw a picture on the plate/dish with the dry erase marker, slowly pour water on it and watch it start to float around. (Use a straw to make it move around the plate) YouTube Video:
Friday or Day 5 with Dr. Seuss – Yertle the Turtle Theme: Teamwork From the Bible: The story of the Tower of Babel from Genesis 11:1-9. There was a time when the whole world spoke one language. Everyone used the same words. Then people began to move from the East. They found a plain in the land of Babylonia and stayed there to live. Then they said to each other, “Let’s make some bricks of clay and bake them in the fire.” Then they used these bricks as stones, and they used tar as mortar. Then the people said, “Let’s build ourselves a city and a tower that will reach to the sky. Then we will be famous. This will keep us together so that we will not be scattered all over the earth.” Then the Lord came down to see the city and the tower. 6The Lord said, “These people all speak the same language. And I see that they are joined together to do this work. This is only the beginning of what they can do. Soon they will be able to do anything they want. Let’s go down and confuse their language. Then they will not understand each other.” So people stopped building the city, and the Lord scattered them all over the earth. That is the place where the Lord confused the language of the whole world. That is why it is called Babel. And it was from there that the Lord caused the people to spread out to all the other places on earth. ***Kids will learn that they need to work together for the right reasons.
In Genesis, there’s a story about people who thought they could build a tower to heaven. Read aloud Genesis 11:1-9. Then ask:
Why did the people want to build a tower?
How were the people in the Bible like or unlike Yertle?
The good thing in our Bible story is that the people worked together. But they worked together for the wrong reasons.
What are the right reasons to work together?
What are ways we can work together?
Game: Jenga or Tumble Towers You’ll need:
A Jenga Game or
Various stackable items found at home such as books, paper towel tubes or plastic tubs.
Work together to build a structure that only touches the ground in four places (like the four legs of a turtle). The structure should be about 5 feet high, using only supplies found in your home. As long as you get it to stand alone for 2 minutes you win!
Why does God like it when we work together?
Sticky Towers Items you need:
Mini marshmallows
Mark one marshmallow with food coloring
You’re going to build a tower out of toothpicks and marshmallows (that you can eat later). The dark food colored marshmallow represents Yertle; place it on top of your tower. See how high you can build your tower without it falling.
Science Experiment: Homemade Ice Cream You will need: (You can easily double this recipe)
1 Cup Milk (whole milk makes it creamy)
1 Tbs Sugar
½ Tbs Vanilla Extract
½ Cup Salt
Ice (to fill the gallon bag halfway – at least 3 cups)
Gallon Ziploc Bag & Quart / Sandwich size Ziplock Bag