Prayer Journey for you & our Mission Team Psalm 121 1 I lift up my eyes to the mountains-- where does my help come from? 2 My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.
3 He will not let your foot slip-- he who watches over you will not slumber; 4 indeed, he who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.
5 The Lord watches over you-- the Lord is your shade at your right hand; 6 the sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night.
7 The Lord will keep you from all harm-- he will watch over your life; 8 the Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore.
Saturday ~ July 9th: While we travel from NJ to TN Prayer for our Mission Team:Father, we lift up each person You have called to serve. These missionaries have answered and are following the call to share the love of Christ. They will be leaving their homes and families to travel to another state. Please be with them and give them the words You want them to share. May the message of Your love be ever-present in each moment. May each missionary find comfort in Your arms, knowing they are covered with Your protection. In the Name of Jesus, Amen.
Prayer for our family & friends back home:Dear Lord, some of our missionaries will leave their families for a time to travel and share Your Word and help others learn about You. We thank You for these people who have accepted the call to be missionaries. We thank You for their families, too. Please protect the families of these missionaries. Give them peace and comfort knowing You are with their loved one. Give them courage and strong faith as they wait for their family member(s) to return home. Thank You, God. Amen. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sunday ~ July 10th: We arrive at Mountain T.O.P.! Prayer for our Mission Team:Dear Father, I admit that I often forget that you are with me. I often forget what you’re like. Would you please forgive me for that? I need to get to know you better. I need to get to know your Word and your promises better. Help me to put you first in every area of my life. Help me to live one day at a time. Help me to not worry about tomorrow but instead focus on what you’re doing in my life right now. I want to trust in your promise to take care of every one of my needs — financial, relational, physical, social, spiritual, and emotional. Help me to trust you more and worry less. I pray in Jesus’ Name. Amen.”
Prayer for our family & friends back home: “Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you” 1 Peter 5:7 Father, we are tempted to worry about so many things. Our world can be a mess! Forgive us for focusing on anything or anyone but You. We admit that we often forget that you are with me. Would you please forgive us for that? We need to get to know you better. We need to get to know your Word and your promises better. Help us to put you first in every area of our life. Help us to live one day at a time. Help us to not worry about tomorrow but instead focus on what you’re doing in our life right now. Please help us to remember that You really are in control. In Jesus’ Name, Amen
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Monday ~ July 11th: Day 1 - working in the community Prayer for our Mission Team:Dear Lord, we pray for unity among the mission team. Pray for them to truly love one another, to be patient, to extend mercy, and to share purpose. Pray for them not to be competitive. When the work gets hard let the stress be light. Let them learn from one another and work together in harmony. Enable them to understand and appreciate the situations they are walking into at worksites this week. Give them humility, wisdom and respect as they interact with others so that they will not offend anyone involved. Empower them to work with all their heart for you, Lord. Guard them against laziness, inattention, frustration, unrealistic expectations and other attitudes that can get them off course. This we pray, Amen.
Prayer for our family & friends back home:Dear Lord, as our family goes to serve you, whether it be in a foreign land or even just to another area of their own country, please keep their relationship strong. We ask that you remind them that they are very special to one another, especially while they are serving you in this manner. Please also protect and provide for the family and friends that they have left behind. Help them to look forward to the next time they are able to see one another. Remind them to pray too because You love to hear from Your children. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tuesday ~ July 12th: Day 2 of working Prayer for our Mission Team:Dear Lord we know you have great purpose in this very day, and we are so grateful that your plans are good. We give you praise for your compassion and love. We thank you that your mercies are new every morning and your faithfulness is greater than we could ever imagine. During this time while they are away we pray that you grant them time that they need to spend with You. Give them just a few minutes of quiet time each day to meditate upon Your word so that their relationship with You continually grows. Open their eyes to see the power in your Word. Open their ears to know what you are saying. Fill them with your Holy Spirit and draw them close into your Presence. Speak to them and show them your ways, oh Lord. Help them to know your voice above all else. Amen
Prayer for our family & friends back home:Dear Lord, we choose to find our joy and strength in you today. We choose to walk in love. We choose to set our eyes on you and off all the struggles and chaos of this world. We choose your peace over worry. We choose kindness over hurry. We choose your Spirit-filled power over relying on our own strength and ability. We know that our life is far from perfect but we believe in your truth, and we have Jesus in our life, and because of that, we have all that we need to live free and abundantly for this very day. Amen ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Wednesday ~ July 13th: H.U.M. Day (Halfway Up the Mountain) Prayer for our Mission Team:A mission trip can often turn into more than its intended purpose. Lord, we pray that the mission team members are ready to share God’s word and the impact of His love at any opportunity. May they allow the Holy Spirit to speak to the while serving and guide their actions. This encounter can, and often is, a life-changing experience for both the giver and the receiver. Throughout the week may they experience fruits of the Spirit as they serve one another and the community at large. Amen
Prayer for our family & friends back home:Holy Spirit, create in us a clean heart that seeks the best in others. Help us to show empathy and compassion to everyone, and to do so with gentleness and respect. When people or circumstances don’t meet our expectations, empower us to show grace and understanding. Help us to see our situations from Your perspective so that we can rejoice at all times and show patience when needed. In Jesus’ name, Amen. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thursday ~ July 14th: Day 4 - Working and Worshiping Prayer for our Mission Team:Lord, we pray that during this experience you would fill our team with compassion, generosity, kindness and respect as they interact with the people they encounter. Teach them to look at the heart of people – the way you do – instead of judging by outward appearances. Give them sympathetic ears and observant eyes to be sensitive to the needs of those around me. Lastly, help them to remember this is a temporary community, cherishing the time they have with others while holding the knowledge that they will all go our separate ways soon. In your name we pray, Amen.
Prayer for our family & friends back home:Dear God, thank You for our family and friends You have blessed us with. Our days are filled with so much joy and love, because we know we can always turn to them. They are always here for us, for the good times and the bad. We pray that they can feel how much we love and appreciate them, even though we may not always say it out loud. Lord, please watch over our family and friends in their day to day lives. We know we are never without You, as You are the reason why this love and friendship has prospered so much. With this prayer, we ask that You continue to grace us with Your presence, for without You, this love and friendship would not be what it is today. Glory to God in Heaven. Amen. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Friday ~ July 15th: Day 5 - Final work day - Fish Hook Worship Prayer for our Mission Team: Lord, we give you thanks for the experiences we have had this week; the laughter shared, the sweat shed, the work done, and the joy spread, shared, and received. This week has inspired us, challenged us, broadened our horizons, and reminded us of what it means to be a disciple. This week has been a “mountain top” experience that we pray will continue to shape us and encourage us as we strive to be a witness for you. While we wish we could stay on the “mountain top,” the reality is we must come down. This place, which will forever be special to us, was never meant to be our permanent mission field. God called us and led us to this place to be immersed in the practice of doing mission, to learn how to be salt of the earth and light of the world, and to deepen and grow in our understanding of what it means to serve others. Our challenge now is to take these lessons learned; and carry them home with us. We are called to recognize that “mission” is a word that stands alone, and one that doesn’t need “trip” attached to it. We are called to engage in mission in our daily lives. Amen. Prayer for our family & friends back home: Father, thank You for this Friday. Thank You for seeing us through another work week and bringing us to the weekend. We pray that this weekend will be filled with rest, refreshment, and quiet time with You. Our lives can seem so overwhelming and confusing, but we know that You are there by our side always. Thank You for guiding our path. We know that You are doing 10,000 things in our lives, even if we are only aware of a few of them. Lord, help us recognize Your Spirit. Bring us deeper into a knowledge of You, so that even in times of adversity, we can rest in the knowledge that You are with us. Thank You, Lord, for this beautiful day. May we increase in You, may we come into an abundance of Your love. In Jesus' name, Amen.
Saturday ~ July 16th: Special Day for our Mission Team Prayer for our Mission Team: Thank you for bringing a Community of believers together through Your Word. Scripture has changed our lives, transformed our hearts and minds, and revealed our deep need for You. Your Word is the reason the YouVersion Community exists. God, we want Your Word to continue to spread across the world because it is perfect and true. Your Word never returns empty. Through Scripture, You have revealed what is good and wise. Your Word is full of promises that guide and light our way. It instructs us, guides us, corrects us, and comforts us. We want to see Your words continue to transform our world. Provide us with more opportunities to share Your love with others. Let us become the people You created us to be so that we can give You glory at all times. We are Your people, and we fully offer ourselves to You. In Jesus’ name, Amen Prayer for our family & friends back home:Dear Lord, This world seems to move faster and faster and we’re trying to keep up. But God, in the whirlwind, instead we get caught up. Like an unbeatable force it pulls us in but we know eventually we cannot win. We must learn to rest in your perfect peace and though good, let all endeavors cease. Oh that our feet would mimic your pace. So your joy would be set on our face. Help us Jesus, to slow down when you would. Help us, Lord, to rest as we should. Thank you for loving us just as we are.: thank you that rest is part of your plan. Amen ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sunday ~ July 17th: Traveling home from the Mountain TOP to the Valley below Prayer for our Mission Team:Dear Lord, we ask continued prayers over this place that has been home for the past week, and all those with whom we were blessed to meet and spend time with. Lord, as we leave, we pray that the experiences we have had are not only great stories to share, but experiences that remain with us always. May the photographs we took be not only mementos of our time, but reminders of our calling to serve you. As we pull back into the church parking lot, may it mark not an ending, but a new beginning. Above all, Lord, we pray that as we look to the future, we will continue to look to you for guidance, to be a blessing to those around us, and that we will continue to look for ways to be engaged in “mission,” each and every day. Prayer for our family & friends back home:Lord, you watch over our loved ones coming and going, you guard them at home and when their away. As they travel from home, keep watch over them. Protect them and keep them safe. Surround them with your love and comfort. Carry them through their travels and bring them home safely. For you are our guide, leading us day and night. May we continue to always follow where you lead, for now and ever more. Amen. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 🙘🙙🙘🙙🙘🙙🙘🙙🙘🙙🙘🙙🙘🙙🙘🙙🙘🙙🙘🙙🙘🙙🙘🙙🙘🙙🙘🙙🙘🙘🙙🙘🙙🙘🙙🙘🙙🙘🙙🙘🙙🙘🙙🙘🙙 What they don’t tell you is that after your amazing mission trip, God often sends you back to your family, friends, job, school, town. Not always to change them, but to see how YOU will change in your attitudes and responses in light of all you’ve just seen and learnt. 🙘🙙🙘🙙🙘🙙🙘🙙🙘🙙🙘🙙🙘🙙🙘🙙🙘🙙🙘🙙🙘🙙🙘🙙🙘🙙🙘🙙🙘🙙🙘🙙🙘🙙🙘🙙🙘🙙🙘🙙🙘🙙🙘🙙🙘
Here is a printable version of our above prayer journey. God Bless